DBERROR: annotations.db

Sven Verluyten sven.verluyten at be.easynet.net
Tue Mar 14 15:14:50 CET 2006


We have a serieus problem on our kolab server
It all came to our attention after beginning to test Toltec

- The toltec tests failed, saying the ANNOTATION test failed.
- in the imap logfiles, we began to see error messages like:
<error> imaps[21086]: DBERROR: skiplist 
recovery /kolab/var/imapd/annotations.db: 1BF88 should be ADD or DELETE

- Later on, other clients, like Konsec, began displaying the same error
- This has nothing to do with the seen DB, these don't fail
- Also, what the strange thing is, the mail clients/server seem to keep 
working, we don't really see a problem on client side, but there is one for 
sure, as shown by the toltec & imapd output

We have looked at numerous mailings, but found (except ppl with same problem) 
no solutions.
Even more, that de annotations.db is said not to be corrupt by a test we found 
on https://intevation.de/roundup/kolab/issue840
The result was a 0, meaning there was no error converting the db to plaintext

We are looking for a solution.

Also, what is the best way to backup the databases like annotations.db & 
mailboxes.db ?

I hope somebody can provide some help

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