[kolab-users] kolab on fedora core 5 (AMD-64bits)

Andreas Micklei andreas.micklei at ivistar.de
Wed Jun 28 10:31:36 CEST 2006


On Wed, Jun 28, 2006 at 12:20:31AM -0300, Daniel Coletti wrote:
> 	I'm trying to get kolab (2.1) working on a fedora core 5 (64bits). Does
> anyone has experience with this kind of setup?

I just installed kolab 2.0.3 on CentOS 4 64bit and ran into heaps of
problems. Since 32bit binaries run just fine under 64bit Linux I gave up on
64bit, installed CentOS 4 32bit under VMWare Server (minimal install),
built kolab inside the 32bit environment, copied the whole /kolab tree over
to the 64bit OS and bootstrapped there.

During the process I had to patch the GMP SRPM to build 32bit binaries,
because GMP insists on building for 64bit when it detects an Opteron, no
matter if an 64bit or 32bit OS is installed (*sigh*). This bug is marked as
WONTFIX in the GMP bugzilla (*double sigh*).

I intend to write a Mini-HOWTO on all this if I get the time.

Andreas Micklei

P.s. My first mail to this list. So hi all, etc. ;-)

P.p.s I have given up an 2.1 for the short term and have not tried FC5
yet. But I would like to hear your experience none the less. Thanks!

Andreas Micklei
IVISTAR Kommunikationssysteme AG
Ehrenbergstr. 19 / 10245 Berlin

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