Problem in deleting spam mail

Torsten Irländer torsten.irlaender at
Thu Jun 15 16:57:47 CEST 2006

On Thursday, 15. June 2006 13:22, nitya bansal wrote:
> On 6/15/06, Torsten Irländer <torsten.irlaender at> wrote:
> > On Thursday, 15. June 2006 12:28, nitya bansal wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > Now My Spam mail are marked as spam.. But i want to delete spam marked
> > > mails or move them in a saparate folder...
> > > with procmail this can be done but ..... but how to do it here in
> > > kolab....... because no procmail is running in my box..
> >
> > You can use a sieve script for this. Also try searching the kolab wiki.
> > There is an article on fighting spam .
> Kolab wiki i have already studied but there is no way to delte or move
> mails at the server end...... in that tutorial they mentioned to move
> your spam mails in a saparate folder and then teach server to mark
> them spam......... But i want to move the spam mail in a centralized
> folder rather then to user inbox.

Ok I just remebered that there was an article hoping that it handles Sieve 

> i search on sieve script but cudn't get it exactly. cud you explain it
> that how to instaal it on kolab based box.

Sieve should already be running. Try "telnet <yourkolabbox> 2000" You should 
be able to connect and receive a welcome string. If you can not connect, you 
might have to enable this is the webinterface under "services".

To upload and manage your Sieve scripts you can either use "special" programs 
or a perlscript sieveshell located in /kolab/bin/. 

Sieve is a simple language and it should not be to hard to convert your 
existing .procmail to sieve. But sieve is not as powerfull as procmail is. So 
maybe you will loose some funcionallity.

There are some good guides out there explaining how to write sieve scripts 
which you can upload to the server. Google will help you there.

Torsten Irländer                                    Intevation GmbH

torsten.irlaender at
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