Ho do i setup fallback_transport in kolab postfix ??

Rohit Rajan rohit.rajan at bm.com
Sat Jun 3 13:33:17 CEST 2006

Hi I have a situation here, I have configured kolab and everything is
working fine.
My kolab postfix domain xyz.com now if I have to send a mail to user who is
not in local user table but has email id user at xyz.com how do I do that.
In normal postfix all I have to do is setup 
local_recipient_maps = 
fallback_transport = xyz.com
the error in postfix logs are 
"relay=kolabmailboxfilter, delay=0, status=bounced (service unavailable.
Command output: Failed to set recipient: Invalid response code received from
server, code 550 )"
this setup was working for me till I installed kolab 
please help !!!
thanks in advance 
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