Help with Kolab booth? LinuxWorldKorea2006 (5-7 June), Seoul

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Fri Jun 2 19:53:38 CEST 2006

Hi friends of Kolab,

it is short notice, I know, but I will go to the LinuxWorldKorea
in Seoul form 5th to 7th of June 2006 and present Kolab and the 

As this is only me going and I do not speak Korean, 
I would appreciate help with staffing the small booth 
and showing Kolab to visitors. 

If you, by chance,  happen to be a Free Software, GNU/Linux,
Kolab or KDE person in Seoul  at this time, 
maybe even attending the show already,
and feel like giving me a hand, let me know.

As I will be travelling soon, try email or drop by the booth (H34)
when you are at the conference.

Best Regards,

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