Bootstrap error

Iñaki ibc2 at
Tue Jan 24 22:51:32 CET 2006

El Martes, 24 de Enero de 2006 22:08, Denis Croombs escribió:
> >> I have installed Kolab2 on my Centos 4 server, but am getting this
> >> error when I try and do the bootstrap:-
> >>
> >> "no host: localhost at /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap line 74,
> >> <DATA> line 225"
> >
> >You need an entry for localhost in /etc/hosts or at least a nameserver
> resolving localhost to for you.
> >Thomas
> Thanks, I have changed the /etc/hosts to:-
> # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
> # that require network functionality will fail.
>               localhost localhost.localdomain localhost
>  outlook     outlook
>  outlook2   outlook2
> When I do the bootstrap & do a kolab start I get:-
> OpenPKG: start: openpkg, openldap, sasl, spamassassin, amavisd,
> apache:FAILED
> openpkg:rc:WARNING: /kolab:apache:%start: failed with return code 1
> openpkg:rc:NOTICE: output from stdout/stderr is following:
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | [Tue Jan 24 21:00:55 2006] [alert] apache: Could not determine the
> server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------
> OpenPKG: start: clamav, dcron, imapd, postfix, proftpd, kolabd.
> mynetworkinterfaces:
> I assume I still do not have the /etc/hosts correct ?

Try adding your host name in /etc/hosts in the line. I remember that 
I did it to solve the same problem.

For example, if your host name (/etc/hostname in Debian) is "mail" add the 
following in /etc/hosts:       localhost localhost.localdomain localhost  mail

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