kolab2 as relay **and** imap-archive

Uwe Hentzschel uhe at stahl-groeditz.de
Wed Jan 18 15:30:55 CET 2006

It is possible to use kolab2 to relay to an exchange-server :-((
**and** store the mails in local imap-folder. The kolab server has the
MX Record. 

Are there any howto's ?


Uwe Hentzschel              Tel: +49-35263-62551  PGP/GPG Key ID: 0x75A2E7F6 
Schmiedewerke Gröditz GmbH  Fax: +49-35263-62543
Riesaer Str.                                                          
01609 Gröditz                                                          

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