Client certificates and Kolab?

T. Ribbrock admin_slox-e at
Wed Jan 18 11:13:28 CET 2006

Hi all,

I've just been wondering whether anybody out there is using Kolab with
client certificates (i.e. only clients with a correct certificate are
allowed to connect to the web interface). If so, I would appreciate some
hint as to how to go about that... I'm currently trying to figure out
the ins and outs. I can see that there are some scripts in
/kolab/etc/kolab that deal with certs, but as far as I can understand
it, they're only for the server side. So far, I haven't found
documentation about that setup.

Up until now, I was spoiled, as the web interface of our old SLOX setup
had a built-in function to create (and make available for download) such
certificates, so I've never done it manually... :-}

Any hints, RTFM pointers, etc. appreciated!



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