Name for Groups in LDAP

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Tue Jan 10 19:19:33 CET 2006

Am Montag, 9. Januar 2006 08:02 schrieb Rene Marticke:
> >> If i send a mail to a kolab-group there is no name displayed. In Outlook
> >> the TO: contens only a "_". The mail is recieved by the members of the
> >> group but in my Outlook -> Send Folder i can't see the group, only the
> >> "_".
> >
> > I need more information about this.
> > E.g. what version of Outlook, what kind of distribution list or group
> > account.
> I currently use Outlook 2003 with toltec ldap Adressbook.
> A normal user is correctly shown.
> But if i select a group (Added with kolab admin interface as
> Distribution List) there is no DisplayName (look picture group.jpg)
> And so if i send a mail to the group there is only a "_" in the to field
> insteed of a group name.

From understanding this correctly,
the Addressbook should use the email address
in case there is no display name and everything should work fine.
When remembering my Outlook 2003 tests, this worked 
in Outlook with Outlook's addressbook.
Maybe it is a bug in the Toltec Addressbook,
I suggest to report it to Joon.

> >> Would the Name be displayed if i changed the entry in LDAP. What did i
> >> have to add there ? "sn = groupname" ?
> >
> > You could experiment and try to find out.
> How can i login with write access to the ldap from a workstation. The
> server is only in textmode.

Use any ldap browser and log in as a user with write access.
Users with write acces are the administrators for instance,
and manager has even more rights. Make sure to use the right BIND-DN, 

As ldap-browser I have sucessfully used qg
and there are others.
An alternative are the ldap tools, like ldapmodify.


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