Kolab2 Postfix build does not recognize NetBSD 3 (improve postfix.patch)

Bernhard Reiter bernhard.reiter at intevation.de
Wed Jan 4 12:01:36 CET 2006

Am Dienstag, 3. Januar 2006 21:58 schrieb Raphael Langerhorst:
> Am Dienstag 03 Januar 2006 17:52 schrieb Bernhard Reiter:

> > thanks for the report.
> > Can you open an issue for this and add a patch for the Kolab Server?
> > I do not have NetBSD available so I cannot test this,
> > but if the patch is well commented we can apply it for future versions.

> actually, I'd like to, but I don't know how to deal with source rpms, how
> to unpack them, repackage, install them step-by-step (unpack, patch, build,
> install). I need to know this so I can modify/improve the postfix patch
> myself and send it to you.
> Please (anyone) tell me how I can step-by-step unpack, patch, build and
> install a source rpm - instructions that are kolab2 specific are prefered.

The Kolab Server packages released by the Kolab Projekt so far
are based on www.OpenPKG.org, they have documentation,
which might include how to handle their rpms.

In general in a Kolab Server installation you have
/kolab/bin/openpkg rpm
/kolab/bin/openpkg rpmbuild
/kolab/bin/openpkg man rpm

To install a source package /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm --install xxxxxx.src.rpm
 /kolab/bin/openpkg rpmbuild -bX  spec.file
on the unpacked sources, is your friend.
(With X having different values, see the manpage.)
There is a lot of RPM related information around.


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