imap INBOX

Henk van Lingen henkvl at
Tue Feb 28 14:00:26 CET 2006


I'n new to Kolab. I installed Kolab 2.0.3 on a CentOS 4 system. I've
added a testuser and can use the system with Kontact and mutt.
Both clients see new mail, which seems to be stored under 

However, I also installed the Toltec connector on a windows XP system
with Outlook 2000. This seems to work, however it looks for mail in
the INBOX directory:


So it doesn't see new mail. What's the advertised way to do this? And
is there really only a 'pop3-way' to use Outlook with Kolab, and no imap

Henk van Lingen, Systems & Network Administrator              (o-      -+
Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University.                /\        |
phone: +31-30-2535278                                        v_/_   

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