Horde not working with my Kolab

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Thu Dec 21 00:29:53 CET 2006

Hi Stéphane,

> you know what? I got it to work! No database and also the addressbooks work 
> fine.
> However it did not patch cleanly at all and I had to edit some files myself, I 
> guess I use a wrong CVS branch.
> I followed the Kolab wiki page, so I think i downloaded the branch tagged:

you will have to check out HEAD. I need to work with HEAD so that
there is a chance that my patches get in. I did update the patches
attached to the "Share driver" bug
(http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=4263). So they should currently
apply cleanly to Horde HEAD.

> Anyway, after a bit of work, I got the code to look a lot like the patch so 
> it's fine for now. One thing to note is that you use domxml, which is not 
> available in php 5, I had to include a script:  domxml-php4-to-php5.php , 
> available at: http://alexandre.alapetite.net/doc-alex/domxml-php4-php5/ to 
> translate the functions from domxml to dom.

Hm, I am confused by that. The current Horde::DOM package has been
derived from exactly that script and should provide all functionality
necessary for Kolab. But maybe that is also caused by the fact that
you do not use HEAD. But this should definitely not be
necessary. Horde::DOM has been specifically created for wrapping the
domxml problem.

> Also it does not seem to find the freebusy information, where is that 
> configured?

free/busy is something that currently does not work between Horde and
Kolab. There are still some minor bugs. I identified a few of these
last week and it is working on my servers now. But I still need to
prepare the patches and send them upstream.

> Another thing is, when I click on the mail box tree on the left, it sends me 
> to the right app but asks me to log in again, I checkde the horde hook: 
> _username_hook_frombackend(), not sure if that's right.
> Hope this helps you, I'll keep posting feedback on this in the future.

Yes, I started putting some installation hints on the wiki page
(http://wiki.kolab.org/index.php/Horde). They will only help experts
in their current state but hopefully the patches get included upstream
soon. Then it makes sense to correct the installation instructions for
the new code.



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E-mail : wrobel at pardus.de                          Dr. Gunnar Wrobel
Tel.   : +49 40 432 72335                      Hartwig-Hesse Str. 12
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