Horde not working with my Kolab

Stéphane Konstantaropoulos skonstant at sgul.ac.uk
Tue Dec 19 18:08:30 CET 2006

Le mardi 19 déc 2006 16:11, Gunnar Wrobel a écrit :
> Stéphane Konstantaropoulos <skonstant at sgul.ac.uk> writes:
> > So I need the database even with the patch?
> No, the patch will switch the Share driver from using the "DataTree"
> framwork to using the actual IMAP folders. That way a database is not
> necessary.
> > I'll try and apply the patch now and give the whole thing another go
> > today, I'll post my experiences. Do you think the patch applies to Horde
> > CVS?
> Yes, I am working on Horde CVS and there have been no changes to the
> Share driver recently. I am not that certain about the small
> modifications to turba and the horde configuration. I'll check that again.

Hi again,

you know what? I got it to work! No database and also the addressbooks work 

However it did not patch cleanly at all and I had to edit some files myself, I 
guess I use a wrong CVS branch.

I followed the Kolab wiki page, so I think i downloaded the branch tagged:


Share.php did not patch cleanly at all, nor did the files in config/

Anyway, after a bit of work, I got the code to look a lot like the patch so 
it's fine for now. One thing to note is that you use domxml, which is not 
available in php 5, I had to include a script:  domxml-php4-to-php5.php , 
available at: http://alexandre.alapetite.net/doc-alex/domxml-php4-php5/ to 
translate the functions from domxml to dom.

Now i can read my shares, contacts, calendars, notes and journals.

In order to make the global addressbook work with my setup, I had to change 
the scope of the LDAP search to "sub".

Also it does not seem to find the freebusy information, where is that 

Another thing is, when I click on the mail box tree on the left, it sends me 
to the right app but asks me to log in again, I checkde the horde hook: 
_username_hook_frombackend(), not sure if that's right.

Hope this helps you, I'll keep posting feedback on this in the future.

Thanks for the great work! I can't wait for a release.
Stéphane Konstantaropoulos <skonstant at sgul.ac.uk>
-- Web Developer - Computing Services
--- St George's University of London
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