LDAP address book trouble [was: Re: Migrate Exchange 5.0 to Kolab 2]

Martin Minkler minkler at artegic.de
Thu Aug 31 13:15:23 CEST 2006

Martin Minkler schrieb:

> Does anybody have any clue as to why
> - Outlook does not use the base dn set in the options

My main concern and absolutely driving me insane

> - there is no communication from Thunderbird if no full offline copy is 
> requested manually (OT, I know)


> - The base DN set to the server name as described in the tutorial 
> (dc=hive,dc=<domain>,dc=local) returns no results
 > - a completely different Base DN build from the mail domain does indeed
 > return _all_ entries (maybe because the users email fields contain that
 > value dc=<domain>,dc=<tld>)

Read a wiki article suggesting the values I guessed at: 

Still I'm a bit dumbfounded as it says:" Base DB and Bind DN require 
only the domain name, not the FQN of your server!" - My server's domain 
is <domain>.local and not <domain>.<tld>, how does the ldap server know 
to use the mail domain instead of the server's?

> - even after a successful query the address book in Thunderbird still 
> stays blank (again OT I guess)

If You click into the "Name or Address" field and hit space (thus 
searching for an entry containing a blank?), all entries are shown - why 
this is not the default display behaviour I do not know ~:-/

Still I cannot use the global address book in Outlook...



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