Create folders on same level as inbox

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Fri Aug 25 22:32:20 CEST 2006

Am Dienstag, 20. Juni 2006 20:09 schrieb Alex Chejlyk:
> I need to create two folders on the same level as the Inbox.
> The folders must have a specific names (spam and not-spam).
> The shared folders have a prefix of shared, so that won't work...
> Is there a way to remove the prefix shared. prefix? If not, can I
> manually create folders at the same level as the Inbox?

If it is possible, you should try to use cyradm to create them.
I cannot say, if it is possible though. 
If you want to create those folders per user then I am quite positive
that it is not going to work.

Managing Director - Owner,       (Free Software Company)
Germany Coordinator,       (Non-Profit Org for Free Software)   (Email/Groupware Solution, Professional Service)

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