Experience with kontact & online IMAP?

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Mon Aug 14 14:19:54 CEST 2006

Am Mittwoch, 9. August 2006 14:55 schrieb ITSEF Admin:
> I am wondering whether there are people on the list who are using kontact
> (especially proko2) with online IMAP accounts. 

I know a few people who do. 

> The reason I'm asking is 
> that we have split some accounts at our site into combined DIMAP/IMAP
> accounts. Since then, all users where this split has been performed see a
> lot more crashes from kontact - pure DIMAP *seems* a lot more stable. Also,
> the DIMAP accounts seem a lot more performant - we've seen many occasions
> where kontact would sit waiting on an online IMAP folder to finally sync
> and show up. I'm curious as to what other folks have seen in that regard.

The possibility to do a split because of the local subscribtions feature
is fairly new. Thus it is possible that there are still defects in the code
that partly getting triggered now that online IMAP gets into use
in Kolab settings.

Managing Director - Owner, www.intevation.net       (Free Software Company)
Germany Coordinator, fsfeurope.org       (Non-Profit Org for Free Software)
www.kolab-konsortium.com   (Email/Groupware Solution, Professional Service)
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