DCC how to

Andrea Soliva soliva at comcept.ch
Tue Aug 8 13:15:38 CEST 2006

I hope it helps.....as a pitty again in german but it should be
selfunderstanding! Also I hope the format within this mail is not too ugly

      * 275.0 Zusaetzlich Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse fuer Kolab2 *

275.1) Um DCC zu installieren gehe folgendermassen vor:

	# opa /kolab

	# mkdir /kolabtmp/dcc
	# cd /kolabtmp/dcc
	# mv dcc-dccd.tar.Z /kolabtmp/dcc
	# gzip -dc dcc.tar.Z | tar xvf -
	# cd dcc-1.3.39

	Nun konfigurieren wir die Source:

	# ./configure \
	--homedir=/kolab/opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.39 \
	--bindir=/kolab/opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.39/bin \
	--mandir=/kolab/opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.39/man \
	--with-uid=kolab-r \
	--with-rundir=/kolab/var/amavisd \
	--disable-server \
	--disable-dccifd \
	--disable-dccm \
	--without-db-memory \
	--without-max-db-mem \
	--without-max-log-size \
	--without-DCC-MD5 \
	--without-cgibin \
	--without-sendmail \

	ACHTUNG "disable-dccm" steht fuer "disable sendmail support" und da wir kein
	******* Sendmail installiert haben ist "dccm" ueberfluessig. Mit
                --help" koennen weitere Optionen fuers kompilieren
eingesehen werden.
     		Die Option "with-db-memory" steht fuer eine Optiomierung dh. wenn
                30 bis 40% des installierten Memorys angegeben wird laeuft
"DCC" markant
            	besser und schneller. Diese Angabe ist ab aer Version 1.2.6
nicht mehr
		umbedingt noetig!

       Jetzt gehen wir ans Kompilieren:

	# /kolab/bin/make
	# /kolab/bin/make install

	# chown -R kolab-r:kolab /kolab/opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.39

       Nun nach der Installation ergiebt sich folgendes Bild:


	ACHTUNG Es kann ein Test ausgefuehrt werden nach der Installation jedoch
	*******	der Server nach aussen kommunizieren und zwar auf "Port 6277
Service udp".

	# /kolab/opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.39/bin/cdcc 'info'

	--------------- Protokoll von cdcc 'info' ---------------

	# 09/10/03 01:24:11 MEST  /opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.39/map
	# Re-resolve names after 03:23:13  Check RTTs after 01:38:15
	# 160.05 ms threshold, 205.70 ms average    12 total, 11 working servers
	IPv6 off

	dcc1.dcc-servers.net,-      RTT+0 ms    anon
	#                                          Servercave ID
	#     100% of  1 requests ok  241.08+0 ms RTT          105 ms queue wait
	#                                            neonova ID
	#     100% of  1 requests ok  265.00+0 ms RTT          117 ms queue wait
	#                                             WEiAPG ID
	#     100% of  2 requests ok 4000.00+0 ms RTT         3846 ms queue wait
	#                                     SPAMCHECK.NET ID
	#     100% of  1 requests ok  437.24+0 ms RTT          344 ms queue wait
	# *                                              NIET ID
	#     100% of  1 requests ok  155.70+0 ms RTT          104 ms queue wait
	#                                             Misty ID
	#     100% of  1 requests ok  451.63+0 ms RTT          311 ms queue wait
	#                                      MessageCare ID
	#     100% of  1 requests ok  461.26+0 ms RTT           64 ms queue wait
	#                                           servers ID
	#     100% of  1 requests ok  358.61+0 ms RTT          131 ms queue wait
	#                                                 SdV ID
	#     100% of  1 requests ok  160.05+0 ms RTT          104 ms queue wait
	#                                            dmv.com ID
	#     100% of  1 requests ok  366.17+0 ms RTT          143 ms queue wait
	#                                         SINECTIS ID
	#     100% of  1 requests ok  427.07+0 ms RTT          106 ms queue wait

	dcc2.dcc-servers.net,-      RTT+0 ms    anon
	dcc3.dcc-servers.net,-      RTT+0 ms    anon
	dcc4.dcc-servers.net,-      RTT+0 ms    anon
	dcc5.dcc-servers.net,-      RTT+0 ms    anon,-                 RTT-1000 ms  32768 3889040617y249
	#      not answering

	# 09/10/03 01:24:11 MEST  GreyList /opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.39/map
	# Re-resolve names after 03:23:15
	# 1 total, 0 working servers,-                 Greylist 32768 3889040617y249
	#      not answering

	--------------- Protokoll von cdcc 'info' ---------------

275.2) Nun muss noch gewaehrleitste werden das "Amavisd-New" das Programm
"DCC" findet.
       Diese erreichen wir indem wir "DCC" in die "$path" Variable von

	# vi /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

	--------------- /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

	$path =

	--------------- /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

275.3) Damit DCC aktiviert wird muss das "local.conf" File so manipuliert
werden damit DCC
       activiert wird:

	# vi /kolab/etc/spamassassin/local.cf

	--------------- /kolab/etc/spamassassin/local.cf ---------------

	# This is the right place to customize your installation of SpamAssassin.
	# See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' for details of what can be
	# tweaked.

	rewrite_header Subject ****SPAM(_SCORE_)****

	## lock_method flock
	# If you are using a UNIX machine with all database files on local disks,
	# and no sharing of those databases across NFS filesystems, you can use a
	# more efficient, but non-NFS-safe, locking mechanism.   Do this by adding
	# the line "lock_method flock" to the /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf
	# file. This is strongly recommended if you're not using NFS, as it is
	# much faster than the NFS-safe locker.
	lock_method flock

	## report_safe { 0 | 1 | 2 } (default: 1)
	# if this option is set to 1, if an incoming message is
	# tagged as spam, instead of modifying the original message,
	# SpamAssassin will create a new report message and attach
	# the original message as a message/rfc822 MIME part (ensuring
	# the original message is completely preserved, not easily
	# opened, and easier to recover).
	# If this option is set to 2, then original messages will
	# be attached with a content type of text/plain instead of
	# message/rfc822. This setting may be required for safety
	# reasons on certain broken mail clients that automatically
	# load attachments without any action by the user. This
	# setting may also make it somewhat more difficult to
	# extract or view the original message.
	report_safe 1

	## use_bayes ( 0 | 1 ) (default 1)
	# Whether to use the naive-Bayesian-style classifier built
	# into SpamAssassin.
	use_bayes 1

	## bayes_path /path/to/file (default: ~/.spamassassin/bayes)
	# Path for Bayesian probabilities databases. Several databases
	# will be created, with this as the base, with _toks, _seen etc.
	# appended to this filename; so the default setting results in
	# files called ~/.spamassassin/bayes_seen, ~/.spamassassin/bayes_toks
	# etc. By default, each user has their own, in their ~/.spamassassin
	# directory with mode 0700/0600, but for system-wide SpamAssassin
	# use, you may want to reduce disk space usage by sharing this
	# across all users. (However it should be noted that Bayesian
	# filtering appears to be more effective with an individual
	# database per user.)
	bayes_path /kolab/var/amavisd/.spamassassin/bayes

	## use_razor2 ( 0 | 1 ) (default 1)
	# Whether to use Razor version 2, if it is available.
	# Up to Spamassassin v3.1.X razor would not be anymore enabled
	# in this file. Use instead v310.pre file to enable.
	#use_razor2 1
	#razor_config /kolab/var/amavisd/.razor/razor-agent.conf
	#razor_timeout 10

	# use_dcc ( 0 | 1 ) (default 1)
	# Whether to use DCC, if it is available.
	# Up to Spamassassin v3.1.X razor would not be anymore enabled
	# in this file. Use instead v310.pre file to enable.
	use_dcc 1
	dcc_home /kolab/opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.39
	dcc_path /kolab/opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.39/bin/dccproc
	dcc_timeout 10

	## use_pyzor ( 0 | 1 ) (default 1)
	# Whether to use Pyzor, if it is available.
	# Up to Spamassassin v3.1.X razor would not be anymore enabled
	# in this file. Use instead v310.pre file to enable.
	#use_pyzor 0

	## add_header
	# DCC processing creates a message header containing the
	# statistics for the message. This option sets whether SpamAssassin
	# will add the heading to messages it processes. The default is to
	# not add the header.
	add_header all DCC _DCCB_: _DCCR_

	## dns_available { yes | test[: name1 name2...] | no } (default: test)
	# By default, SpamAssassin will query some default hosts on the internet
	# to attempt to check if DNS is working on not. The problem is that it
	# can introduce some delay if your network connection is down, and in some
	# cases it can wrongly guess that DNS is unavailable because the test
	# connections failed. SpamAssassin includes a default set of 13 servers,
	# among which 3 are picked randomly.
	# You can however specify your own list by specifying
	# dns_available test: server1.tld server2.tld server3.tld
	# Please note, the DNS test queries for MX records so if you specify
	# your own list of servers, please make sure to choose the one(s)
	# which has an associated MX record.
	dns_available yes

	## skip_rbl_checks { 0 | 1 } (default: 0)
	# By default, SpamAssassin will run RBL checks. If your ISP
	# already does this for you, set this to 1
	skip_rbl_checks 0

	## header FROM_HAS_MIXED_NUMS      From =~ /\d+[a-z]+\d+\S*@/i
	header LOCAL_RCVD Received =~ /\S+\.domain\.com\s+\(.*\[.*\]\)/

	## describe FROM_HAS_MIXED_NUMS    From: contains numbers mixed in with
	describe LOCAL_RCVD Received from local machine

	## score SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME n.nn [ n.nn n.nn n.nn ]
	# Assign scores (the number of points for a hit) to a given test.
	# Scores can be positive or negative real numbers or integers.
	# SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME is the symbolic name used by SpamAssassin for that
	# test; for example, 'FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS'. If only one valid score is
	# listed, then that score is always used for a test.
	# If four valid scores are listed, then the score that is used depends
	# on how SpamAssassin is being used. The first score is used when both
	# Bayes and network tests are disabled. The second score is used when
	# Bayes is disabled, but network tests are enabled. The third score is
	# used when Bayes is enabled and network tests are disabled. The fourth
	# score is used when Bayes is enabled and network tests are enabled.
	# Setting a rule's score to 0 will disable that rule from running.
	# Note that test names which begin with '__' are reserved for meta-match
	# sub-rules, and are not scored or listed in the 'tests hit' reports.
	# If no score is given for a test, the default score is 1.0, or 0.01 for
	# tests whose names begin with 'T_' (this is used to indicate a rule in
	# testing).
	# By convention, rule names are be all uppercase and have a length of no
	# more than 22 characters.
	score LOCAL_RCVD -50
	score DCC_CHECK 4.000
	#score RAZOR2_CHECK 2.500
	score SPF_FAIL 10.000
	score SPF_HELO_FAIL 10.000
	score BAYES_99 4.300
	#score BAYES_90 3.500
	score BAYES_95 3.500
	score BAYES_80 3.000

	# Up to Spamassassin v3.1.X score BAYES_90 doese not anymore
	# exist. Use instead BAYES_95 or 99

	## WHITE-LISTED SENDERS (the good guys):
	#whitelist_from   *.good-domain.net                # This domain is safe
	#whitelist_from   *@goodguys.com                   # These guys are ok
	#whitelist_from   dudley.duright at mounties.ca       # He never spams us

	## WHITE-LISTED RECEIVERS (no scanning for SPAM):
	#all_spam_to  spam-lover at companymail1.com          # He likes it

	## BLACK-LISTED SENDERS (the bad guys):
	#blacklist_from   *@badguys.com                     # nasty outlaws
	#blacklist_from   *@casino-fun.*                    # we don't want any
of this stuff

	## Additional DNSBL Servers
	# BNBL (The BlueShore Network Black List) bl.blueshore.net
	header RCVD_IN_BNBL eval:check_rbl('bl', 'bl.blueshore.net.')
	describe RCVD_IN_BNBL Listed by BNBL
	tflags RCVD_IN_BNBL net
	score RCVD_IN_BNBL 2

	--------------- /kolab/etc/spamassassin/local.cf ---------------

275.4) Da wir DCC nicht als Deamon laufen lassen ist das Log Verzeichnis
von DCC eigentlich
       umbedeutend jedoch ordnungshalber und fuer zukuenftige Zwecke legen
wird dieses
       dennoch an:

	# mkdir /kolab/var/dcc
	# chown kolab-r:kolab /kolab/var/dcc
	# chmod 755 /kolab/var/dcc

	# vi /kolab/opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.39/dcc_conf

	--------------- /kolab/opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.39/dcc_conf ---------------


	--------------- /kolab/opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.39/dcc_conf ---------------

  	ACHTUNG Beim Upgrade auf SpamAssassin 3.X.X kann es zu einem Phaenomen
	******* kommen das DCC in ein Timeout laeuft dh. im Debug Modus von
		amavisd-new scheint alles normal zu arbeiten jedoch wenn man
		nachtraeglich beim aktiven Gateway das Postfix Log kontrolliert
		erscheint dort folgende "error" Nachricht:

	dccproc[11602]: [ID 349477 mail.error] missing message body; fatal error

		Wie schon erwaehnt ist ein Timout schuld an dieser Fehlermeldung
		und hat grundsaetzlich nichts zu tun mit flaschen "header" etc.

		Nun in SpamAssassin 3.X.X wurde eine neue Routine eingebaut
		und diese scheint nicht allen Gegebenheiten gerecht zu werden dh.
		die Loesung ist denkbar einfach dh. die neue Routine muss
		deaktiviert werden und die alte reaktiviert und danach sollte
		alles wieder einwandfrei laufen. Dieser Workaround der benutzt
		werden sollte fuer DCC bis im neuen Release von SpamAssassin
		dies geaendert wird ist nachzulesen auf folgenden Link:


	# vi /export/kolab/lib/perl/vendor_perl/5.8.7/Mail/SpamAssassin/Dns.pm


	    dbg("DCC command: ".join(' ', $path, "-H", $opts, "< '$tmpf'",

	     my $pid = open(DCC, join(' ', $path, "-H", $opts, "< '$tmpf'",
"2>&1", '|'
	)) || die "$!\n";
	    # my $pid = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::helper_app_pipe_open(*DCC,
	    #            $tmpf, 1, $path, "-H", split(' ', $opts));
	    $pid or die "$!\n";


275.4) Nun sollte alles fuer DCC vorbereitet sein dh. als letzte Aktion
fuehren wir
       "kolabconf" aus:

	# /kolab/sbin/kolabconf

	--------------- /kolab/sbin/kolabconf ---------------

	kolabconf - Kolab Configuration Generator

	  Version: 2.0.1

	  Copyright (c) 2004  Klaraelvdalens Datakonsult AB
	  Copyright (c) 2003  Code Fusion cc
	  Copyright (c) 2003  Tassilo Erlewein, Martin Konold, Achim Frank, erfrakon

	This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
	OpenPKG: restart: amavisd.
	OpenPKG: stop: proftpd.

	--------------- /kolab/sbin/kolabconf ---------------

275.5) Nun wenn es zu Problemen kommt und "amavisd" im "debug" Mode
ausgefuehrt werden soll
       kann dies mit folgender Modifikation errreicht werden:

	# vi /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

	--------------- /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

	# Turn on SpamAssassin debugging (output to STDERR, use with 'amavisd
	$sa_debug = 1;            # defaults to false

	--------------- /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

	# /kolab/sbin/kolabconf

	# /kolab/sbin/amavisd \
	-c /kolab/etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf debug

      Nach diesem Befehl sollte folgendes ersichtlich sein:

	--------------- amavisd debug output ---------------

	debug: DCCifd is not available: no r/w dccifd socket found.
	debug: executable for dccproc was found at
	debug: DCC is available: /kolab/opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.39/bin/dccproc
	debug: entering helper-app run mode
	debug: setuid: helper proc 28451: ruid=19415 euid=19415
	debug: DCC: got response: X-DCC-dcc.uncw.edu-Metrics: kolab2 1201;
Body=65711 Fuz1=265174 Fuz2=265171

	--------------- amavisd debug output ---------------

      Wenn alles in Ordnung ist deaktiviere den "debug" Modus und starte
alle Services neu:

	# vi /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

	--------------- /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

	# Turn on SpamAssassin debugging (output to STDERR, use with 'amavisd
	$sa_debug = 1;            # defaults to false

	--------------- /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

	# /kolab/sbin/kolabconf

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