imap INBOX

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Tue Apr 18 18:07:36 CEST 2006

Am Dienstag, 28. Februar 2006 14:00 schrieb Henk van Lingen:
> I'n new to Kolab. I installed Kolab 2.0.3 on a CentOS 4 system. I've
> added a testuser and can use the system with Kontact and mutt.
> Both clients see new mail, which seems to be stored under
> /kolab/var/imapd/spool/domain/xxx/user/testman/
> However, I also installed the Toltec connector on a windows XP system
> with Outlook 2000. This seems to work, however it looks for mail in
> the INBOX directory:
> /kolab/var/imapd/spool/domain/xxx/user/testman/Inbox
> So it doesn't see new mail. What's the advertised way to do this? 

Add a pop3 outlook account which fetches the email and loads it up to "Inbox" 

> And 
> is there really only a 'pop3-way' to use Outlook with Kolab, and no imap
> way?

No way is known to me.
The technical difficulty as it was explained to me is
that Microsofts code that can deal with iCalendar attachments
is close to the pop3 code (or within Exchange).

Note that for groups there is the possibility to redirect incoming emails
without iCalendar attachments to a subfolder.
See our documentation about this.

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