Toltec connector synchronisation sometimes hangs and consumes much memory

Uwe Greßhake u.gresshake at
Wed Apr 5 19:00:26 CEST 2006


I am using kolab server in an outlook environment with the toltec 
connector v2.06.

The last time the following error is occuring more an more often:
While doing a full synchronisation or in general, when messages are 
copied between kolab and outlook (not only the check), this process 
sometimes hangs for a minute or even longer. During this time, the 
connector consumes much memory and cpu ressources, and outlook also 
stops working fluently.

My first assumption was, that the windows pc probably needed more 
memory, but the errors also occured on new machines with 1 GB memory and 
a fast processor.
I compared this effect on different client machines and found out, that 
all clients stoped working at the same point when toltec tried to 
synchronise the same message(s). I assume that the toltec connector has 
problems with handling some messages, probably a format issue. It does 
not matter, if the message is a normal eMail message, a task, a contact 
or an appointment. The message size has some influence on this effect, 
but even messages of 10 kb or less lead to this error. After manually 
deleting these messages from the server with horde or another imap 
client, the toltec connector synchronises as fast as expected.
I examined some of theses messages, but cannot find anything unregular. 
All of them have attachments included.

The last time this effect grows up to a serious problem because more and 
more spam mails triggers this error. Outlook then completely stops 
working and must be killed with task manager, when new Mails are fetched 
via pop3 and toltec connector tries to synchronise them with kolab fpor 
the first time.

Anybody made similar experiences?

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