Display of user-shared folders in OL/Toltec

Michael Leupold leupold at leunet.de
Tue Sep 20 18:45:55 CEST 2005


I've been using Toltec (2.0.5) and Outlook 2003 together on a Kolab2 server 
for some while now. I'm quite happy with it but there's one thing that bugs 
me a little:
When a user shares folders with others the folders show up as 
"user/<username>/<foldername>" in the other users' Outlook, eg. there's no 
hierarchical view. So if you share quite some folders you get a big list. 
Even if I share folder, folder/subfolder1 and folder/subfolder2 I get 3 
separate (non-hierarchical) folders in the other users' Outlook.

Is there any way to work around/fix this?

Michael Leupold

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