
Henning Holtschneider henning at
Thu Sep 8 10:23:05 CEST 2005

On Thursday 08 September 2005 08:58, Eric Hameleers wrote:

> I will give it a try. The error with imapsync was that it tries to do
> a SEARCH on the mailfolders, and does not try to retrieve the messages

My script does a SEARCH on each folder, too. It then fetches and transfers 
each message individually. I have migrated four servers with this script and 
I never had any problems. The largest folder I copied had about 20.000 
messages in it.

> long" from the server. I understand that it requires modification of
> the Cyrus imapd source code to make the MAXWORD value longer.

How useful :-)

Henning Holtschneider
LocaNet oHG -
Lindemannstrasse 81, D-44137 Dortmund
tel +49 231 91596-25, fax +49 231 91596-55
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