personal opinion.....

Richard Bos radoeka at
Fri Oct 28 23:21:28 CEST 2005

Op vrijdag 28 oktober 2005 22:18, schreef Martin Konold:
> Installation and organization are very minor issues.
> BTW I still fail to understand why using the server componentes e.g. from
> RH etc. is considered a big advantage. What is the big problem in
> installing/upgrading/maintaining an OpenPKG rpm compared to a RH or SUSE
> rpm?

The kolab rpms have to be build by one self.  In my case running suse-9.3, I 
did not yet upgrade to suse10, because of the kolab components.  I don't know 
if the kolab rpms are working on suse10...  Without kolab I would have 
upgraded the system already.  (BTW: I have a problem in building I believe 
gcc on this system (openpkg problem).  The trick to coop with this was to 
build gcc on another system and use that one)...  If one could use the 
prebuild distribution rpms that would be easier/more comfortable.  Also there 
would be most likely only 1 place to download the (prebuild!) rpms from.  And 
only 1 place to follow for security updates.  With kolab installed it might 
be needed to install the same package twice...

Last but not least openpkg does not make it possible for distributors to 
include/distribute kolab.

You don't need to worry about those things, we will.  Just take care that 
kolab works flawlessly ;)

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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