duplicating services

Joe Auty joe at netmusician.org
Tue Oct 25 00:39:20 CEST 2005


The installation guide (http://wiki.kolab.org/index.php/ 
Kolab2_Installation_-_Source) says at the bottom:

This starts all the kolab2 services, you should see amavisd, apache,  
clamav, imapd, kolab, openldap, openpkg, postfix, proftpd, sasl,  
spamassassin all start.

Out of this list of services, I'm already running everything but  
kolab and openpkg. Is there a way for Kolab to utilize these already  
running services, or does this simply go counter to Kolab's design?

Joe Auty
NetMusician: helping musicians exploit new communication mediums
joe at netmusician.org

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