Apache Problem

Thomas Lotterer thl at dev.de.cw.com
Wed Mar 16 08:47:09 CET 2005

On Wed, Mar 16, 2005, Markus Heller wrote:
> Dear List,
> I have a Apache problem. Right after the installation from
> Beta3-source I get the following error. I posted it before but did not
> receive any reply:
> >>>>>
> openPKG: start: openpkg, openldap, sasl, spamassassin, amavisd, apache:FAILED
> openpkg:rc:WARNING: /kolab:apache:%start: failed with return code 1
> openpkg:rc:NOTICE: output from stdout/stderr is following:
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | /tmp/rc-20050316022140-16809/rc.tmp: line 196: return: can only `return' 
> from a function or sourced script
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------
> OpenPKG: start: clamav, dcron, imapd, postfix, proftpd, kolabd.
> <<<<<
> Any hint? What went wrong?
Sounds like you hit the return/exit problem that was fixed recently
in OpenPKG. Grab a more recent package, i.e. CURRENT [1] >= 20050228
or RELEASE [2] >= 2.3.1. There are no plans to merge this into older
releases. Be aware that there are few, if any, problems when mixing
packages within 2.x releases but be prepared for more problems when
mixing 1.x and 2.x OpenPKG releases.

The fix described is in a code path that should lead to printing an
error message when the start of apache fails. After fixing this "error
printing" problem you are not finished but will actually be able to
troubleshoot the original problem.

[1] http://cvs.openpkg.org/chngview?cn=22337
[2] http://cvs.openpkg.org/chngview?cn=22350

Thomas.Lotterer at cw.com, Cable & Wireless

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