Fedora Yum update killed openldap

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Thu Mar 10 18:24:27 CET 2005

On Friday 04 March 2005 04:43, tedrudie at wowway.com wrote:
> > After doing the db_recover on your LDAP db files your problem does
> > persist?
> Thanks it now works,


> I was not running the db_recover from the right directory (apparently?). I
> ran it from the /openldap/openldap-data directory, and now I can login to
> Kolab Administration. I'm still very new to ldap.
> However, I still cannot login through Horde. I get an errror message:

Note that Horde is still experimental. Some users report
that it might even trash your database.

> Maybe I'll just do a cvs update?? Everthing works through Outlook and
> Kontact now, so thanks again.

I cannot say as Horde is in development.
There might be more knowledgable people on the kolab-devel list.
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