Kolab & Horde

Andreas Gungl Andreas.Gungl at osp-dd.de
Thu Jun 9 12:50:22 CEST 2005

Am Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2005 11:58 schrieb Michael Hoehnl:
> today I upgraded my Kolab2-Beta3 to rc3. After some testing, I wanted to
> install Horde (not necessary, just for trying). I figured out, Kolab PHP
> is compiled w/o some features that Horde would need (especially MySQL
> Support). I downloaded the MySQL source RPM from OpenPKG and installed it
> using

Add an appropriate line to obmtool.conf and let it do the job. Additionally, 
you have to (re-)build Apache with mysql support. See 
http://www.kolab.org/webclient.html for all details.

> Did anyone manage installing Horde on a Kolab Server?

Sure. A lot of people are running this combination, although most of them 
probably not in production.

> Is it still right, that Horde one day should become Kolab Web Frontend?

It depends on what you define being a "Kolab Web Frontend". Horde in it's 
current state has some disadvantages compared to the fat client solutions 
(Kontact and OL+Toltec). If the developers can solve the issues ...

> Should this better be questioned to the Horde List? ;-)

Can't be too bad. ;-)


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