Problem with imap folders and Horde

Stuart Bingë skbinge.list at
Tue Jun 7 11:19:35 CEST 2005

Hi there,

On 6/5/05, Thorsten Schnebeck <thorsten.schnebeck at> wrote:
> I'm trying to setup horde webmail and have some small problems. One thing that
> make me crazy is that horde does not detect my imap folder structure.
> I can only see my Inbox which is empty cause I use sieve filtering.
> When I try to create e.g. new folder Inbox/Spam Horde tells me (correctly)
> that this folder already exists but still does not shows me folder nor its
> content :-/
> Before I go deeper I want to ask if this is normal or only my problem?

Do your folders appear at all in the Folder Navigator (the "Folders"
button on the toolbar)? Is there not even a drop-down box on the
top-right of the toolbar listing all your folders, next to the "Open
Folder" button?

Stuart Bingë

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