kolab without spamassassin and clamav

Richard Bos radoeka at xs4all.nl
Sun Jun 5 16:47:04 CEST 2005

Op zondag 5 juni 2005 12:53, schreef Fabio Pietrosanti:
> Richard Bos ha scritto:
> >Is it possible to run spamassassin and clamav?  In my situtation other
> > systems have already taken care of spam and virusscanning so it would be
> > waste processor resources to have spamassassin and clamav running on the
> > kolab server.
> It's just a matter of changing the content-filter configuration
> directive in the postfix main.cf configuration file.
> If you see here: /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/main.cf.template
> At the end of the file there is:
> @@@if postfix-enable-virus-scan@@@
> #
> # Amavis virus scan
> #
> content_filter=smtp-amavis:[]:10024
> @@@else@@@
> content_filter=kolabfilter
> @@@endif@@@
> This is managed by kolabconf (/kolab/sbin/kolabconf) that write
> configuration files from templates.
> postfix-enable-virus-scan is a ldap attribute set by TRUE during the
> kolab_bootstrap:
> root at casello:/kolab/var# grep -ir postfix-enable-virus-scan
> /kolab/etc/kolab/
> /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap:        'postfix-enable-virus-scan' =>
> "TRUE",
> /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/main.cf.template:@@@if
> postfix-enable-virus-scan@@@
> As you can see is in LDAP:
> root at casello:/kolab/var# /kolab/sbin/slapcat |grep postfix-enable
> postfix-enable-virus-scan: TRUE
> You can change it trough web interface under the "Services" Tab.
> After the "Update click", your main.cf will have the content-filter
> configuration that will completelly bypass amavis:
>   content-filter=kolabfilter
> Fabio


thanks a lot for your explanation, it's what I was looking for :)  A followup 
question though, is it sufficient to change LDAP entry 
postfix-enable-virus-scan: TRUE to disable virusscanning? 

What about the spad checking, can the same be said about the spam checking, 
just disable it in the under the services tab in the web interface (I do not 
have a running kolab hence my question).

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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