Kolab 2 live CD

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Fri Jul 22 23:44:40 CEST 2005


On Tuesday 28 June 2005 13:52, Joerg Weissleder wrote:
> KONSEC created a Kolab 2 Live CD for demo purposes.

the Kolab-Konsortium also gave some Live-CD away on the GNU/Linuxtag
in Karlsruhe.

> After talking to Bernhard at Linuxtag in Karlruhe, Germany we came to
> the conclusion that such a Live CD is beneficial to the Kolab community
> as a whole.

Yes, I agree that a demo live CD is important so that people
can try Kolab. And as always the problem is: Who does the work?

> Live CD into a Kolab community project.
> This implies that we try to include as many Kolab 2 clients as
> reasonably possible including the Toltec Connector provided that the
> owners agree with.

I have not heard from Radley Network Technologies if they are interested
or not. The question is: what is the alternatvive?
We could have a Live-CD with the server and the KDE Client
and then people could get the Outlook Connectors from the respective

> Perhaps Knoppix is not 100% suitable for such a CD. If anyone has a
> better plan we would be happy to receive feedback.

We must base our Live-CD on a version where we get the source,
if we start to give them away commercially and add an offer to give out
the sources to comply with the license of the software.
I think that  http://live-gnu-linux.ffis.de/ is a nice start.
Still they have fallen behind in theKnoppix versions
and Linuxtag has issues Kanotix this year.
Morphix might be another option.
So the first step would be to liberate a recent live-cd
and collect the source cds for it (just like live-gnu-linux does).
Then get a kolab server and kde client on it
and next have download space.

> One major issue is to bootstrap Kontact. We currently only bootstrap
> Kolab, so the user has to set up Kontact manually; thats difficult and
> fault-prone.

The CD we had for Karlsruhe had a few users configured,
so we know how to do this.
Unfortunately we also did not have much time to complete
the CD, open up network acces under some circumstances and so on.

So is anybody here, that is willing to help building a Kolab Live-CD?

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