What are annotations, where are the sieve filters stored

Henning Holtschneider henning at loca.net
Tue Jul 12 09:31:52 CEST 2005

On Monday 11 July 2005 23:48, Richard Bos wrote:

> What meta information is stored by kolab on the imap server, is this for
> the calendar, notes, etc folders? (heh just me being curious ;)

Yes, the type of folder and, optionally, the intended audience are being 
stored as annotations. Toltec Connector uses that information to determine 
the type of shared folders. I suppose the same is true for Kontact and Horde. 
You can review the annotation using the "info" command in cyradm.

> Can anyone comment on the apps?  Ingo and Gosa look nice, but they seem a
> little too much for being an email filter fronted for a user.  Smartsieve
> looks good, but is not too recently updated....

We have been using Smartsieve for over a year now without problems. It doesn't 
integrate with the webadmin but it serves its purpose well and we haven't had 
any problems so far.

Henning Holtschneider
LocaNet oHG - http://www.loca.net
Lindemannstrasse 81, D-44137 Dortmund
tel +49 231 91596-25, fax +49 231 91596-55
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