fetchmail does not inject into kolab

Dieter Kluenter dieter at dkluenter.de
Tue Jul 5 10:20:00 CEST 2005

Richard Bos <radoeka at xs4all.nl> writes:

> Op maandag 4 juli 2005 22:35, schreef Richard Bos:
>> > This fetchmailrc runs perfectly since kolab-0.9 (with changes to the
>> > user attribute of course, and occasinally uncommenting keep)
>> That's what I would expect here as well.  That is why I'm so surprised it
>> just does not work...  Does it have to do 'luck' ;)
> With ethereal I was able to catch the following fetchmail warning:
>     Message: X-Fetchmail-Warning: recipient address login at xsall.nl didn't 
> match any local name\r\n

That is, the MTA couldn't verify the recipient as local user, you
probably missed an alias entry for the recipient address.


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung

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