fetchmail does not inject into kolab

Dieter Kluenter dieter at dkluenter.de
Tue Jul 5 10:12:09 CEST 2005

Andreas Gungl <Andreas.Gungl at osp-dd.de> writes:

> Am Dienstag, 5. Juli 2005 08:55 schrieb Richard Bos:
>> Op dinsdag 5 juli 2005 08:15, schreef Andreas Gungl:
>> > Am Montag, 4. Juli 2005 22:35 schrieb Richard Bos:
>> > > I'm using fetchmail from my distribution (suse93) and not from kolab.
>> > >  Is that an issue?
>> >
>> > That fetchmail might pick up the wrong sendmail binary which would try
>> > to deliver to your host environment instead into the openpkg (Kolab)
>> > environment.
>> But isn't fetchmail just delivering to the smtp port (25)?
> IIRC it uses sendmail by default, so it might pick up /usr/sbin/sendmail 
> which would like to deliver into /var/spool/mail/ (which fails because the 
> users in Kolab's LDAP aren't system users usually).

No, man fetchmail(1) says

,----[ fetchmail(1) ]
| As each message is retrieved fetchmail normally delivers it via SMTP to
| port 25 on the machine it is running on (localhost), just as though  it
| were  being passed in over a normal TCP/IP link.  The mail will then be
| delivered locally via your system's MDA (Mail Delivery  Agent,...

but you may specify other means of transport as described in the
manual page.


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung

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