fetchmail does not inject into kolab

Richard Bos radoeka at xs4all.nl
Mon Jul 4 22:35:28 CEST 2005

Op maandag 4 juli 2005 21:16, schreef Dieter Kluenter:
> I run fetchmail as root with following /etc/fetchmailrc
> ,----[ fetchmailrc ]
> | poll mail.isp1.org
> | proto pop3
> | ssl
> | user <LOGIN>
> | pass <PASSWORD>
> | is user1 at mydomain.com
> | #
> | poll mail.isp2.org
> | proto pop3
> | user <2nd LOGIN>
> | pass <2nd PASSWORD>
> | is user2 at mydomain.com
> | # keep
> `----
> This fetchmailrc runs perfectly since kolab-0.9 (with changes to the
> user attribute of course, and occasinally uncommenting keep)

That's what I would expect here as well.  That is why I'm so surprised it just 
does not work...  Does it have to do 'luck' ;)

I'm using fetchmail from my distribution (suse93) and not from kolab.  Is that 
an issue?  Are there any changes needed at the service tab, I'm thinking of 
the following ones:
- Privileged Networks
- SMTP "smarthost/relayhost"
- Accept Internet Mail
- Mail Filter Settings
  Check messages for mismatching From header and envelope from. 
  Use the Sender header instead of From for the above checks if Sender is 

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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