horde webclient DB Error: extension not found

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Mon Jan 31 19:19:07 CET 2005

On Sunday 30 January 2005 11:27, Brian Galura wrote:
> Ive recently installed kolab from binary on debian3.0 and now the horde
> client from cvs this morning. Installation was very smooth until
> configuring anything to use the database in the horde admin interface. The
> horde sql shell fails with this error -25 DB Error: extension not found .
> I can log into the database as the horde user from the console mysql shell
> just fine so its not permissions. Any ideas? I can post more details if
> any would be relevant.

Note that the webclient is experimental.
Help with testing and its development is highly welcome.
(If this is getting technical, have a look at the kolab-devel@ list).
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