[Kolab]Installation problem

Moyne Daniel dmoyne at tiscali.fr
Thu Jan 20 01:34:57 CET 2005

Please when running the set-up procedure to install kolab server what is the 
meaning of this command line :
$ /usr/sbin/kolab_bootstrap -b
everything works fien (I choose "dmoyne" as password")
Then I run :
$ service kolab-server start
and it works fine (all this in root mode)

When I want to connect at :
withe :
user = manager
password = dmoyne
it refuses to log me in !

What is wrong ?
Daniel Moyne (Nulix)----------------------------------------------------------
Distribution : Mandrake 10.2 Cooker    \\|//
kernel mode apic           / --- \
KDE 3.3.2 Download                   (' o-o ')

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