LDAP : Too much connexions ... Imapd package test results

Michael Harlaut m.harlaut at atolcd.com
Tue Jan 11 12:07:28 CET 2005

Hi Martin,

>Everyone with the "Too much connections problem" please test the following and 
>report success/failure. If things look better the change will go into Beta 2.
I've just made intensive tests with OE.

I was first afraid because the number of LDAP connections is always 
increasing a lot (I reached 2000 with only one workstation) but there is 
no longer any problem concerning a lack of socket or errors from sasl or 

I didn't succeed in making the server unreachable.

I while make more tests later, but I think you got it :)

Thanks you very much,

Michael Harlaut
Système et réseaux - Logiciels libres

Atol Conseils et Développements
3 Bd Eiffel - 21600 Longvic
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