AW: Convert Outlook/Exchange Address Entries to LDAP(Kolab)

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Tue Feb 15 16:44:13 CET 2005

On Tuesday 15 February 2005 16:38, Frank Paulick wrote:
> For the moment i mean the shared address
> book i have in an exchange server.
> We have a Contact-folder with all extern
> addresses in it.
> I would like to export this folder in
> some and import it into the kolab-ldap
> as external address book.
> Is there a way to import anything into
> the kolab-ldap using the web-gui ?

You can use regular imap tools,
I think Stephan pointed out how this can work.

> Another question i have is, how
> difficult it is to add more details to
> an address book entry ?
> Like a 2nd telephone nr. etc.

It depends on what you can to add.
The webadmin basically is a glorified ldap client.
For a second phone number you would need to add
the attribute to the ldap. Without checking I don't know
if you need to modify the schema for this.
Check with a real ldap client, like gq (0.6).
Modfying the webadmin interface should be straight forward.

> I have seen, that if i add any entry
> with umlauts this entry is beeing
> converted into something cryptic in the
> ldap (searched with phpldapadmin). What
> algorithm did you use for it and is this
> in any way usable in command line (shell
> scripting for import of addresses)

This also is ldap standard, probably base64.
The ldap client should do this transparently for you.
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