Logfile Analysis

Bernhard Reiter bernhard.reiter at intevation.de
Tue Dec 20 15:05:08 CET 2005

Hello Rodrigo,

Am Freitag, 16. Dezember 2005 19:33 schrieb Rodrigo de Oliveira Gomes:
> I've just finished implementing my email server with kolab version 2.0.1.
> Now I am trying to implement an email traffic monitoring solution. E.g.: 
> How many e-mails usuário1 sent/received; amount of virus, Spam etc.
> I've already tried a Log Analyzer called "ISOQLOG", but after implementing
> all the necessary configurations, I discovered that it was tripling the
> numbers.  E.g.: if User1 sent 3 e-mails, isoqlog said that it had sent 9.
> Has somebody already have some problem like this? I also tried to configure
> mailgraph and awstats, but with no success. Any suggestions?

Note that the Kolab Server will run an email to amavisd and then reintroduce
it and then run it through the kolabfilter. 
Those run create log entries for one email which is inserted a couple of times
into postfix. Maybe your tools (which I do not have experience with)
counts those runs, too, instead of noticing that this is only one email.


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