Logfile Analysis

Rodrigo de Oliveira Gomes akada at uol.com.br
Fri Dec 16 19:33:15 CET 2005


I've just finished implementing my email server with kolab version 2.0.1. Now I am trying to implement an email traffic monitoring solution. E.g.:  How many e-mails usuário1 sent/received; amount of virus, Spam etc.  

I've already tried a Log Analyzer called "ISOQLOG", but after implementing all the necessary configurations,
I discovered that it was tripling the numbers.  E.g.: if User1 sent 3 e-mails, isoqlog said that it had sent 9. Has somebody already have some problem like this? I also tried to configure mailgraph and awstats, but with no success. Any suggestions?


Rodrigo Gomes
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