[FreeBusy] Cant download: bind did not succeed

Jakob Roehrl jakob.roehrl at web.de
Sat Aug 27 10:19:58 CEST 2005


I work with kontakt 1.1.1 (KDE 3.4.1) and kolab Version OpenPKG-2.2 

My problem is, I cant download the freebusy Infos. 


 [mod_auth_ldap.c] - Warning: bind with DN 
"cn=nobody,cn=internal,dc=domain,dc=tld" and password (not shown) did 
not succeed

For testissues I replace the user nobody with the user manager and the 
cleartextpassword in the /kolab/etc/apache/apache.conf but I get the 
same error. 

Can anybody help me?



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