Error on rc start

Jeffrey Walls jwalls at
Fri Sep 17 16:48:53 CEST 2004

After upgrading to the 9/13 snapshot (running ./obmtool kolab), I am getting 
an error when I try to start kolab.

All 4 upgraded modules installed without error.

The error is:

[root at kolab root]# /kolab/bin/openpkg rc all start
openpkg:rc:ERROR: package "kolab" has unresolved configuration file conflicts
openpkg:rc:ERROR: indicated by "*.rpm(new|orig|save)" files in or below the
openpkg:rc:ERROR: directory "/kolab/etc/kolab". Please resolve first!
OpenPKG: start: openpkg, openldap, sasl, spamassassin, amavisd, apache, clamav
OpenPKG: start: imapd, postfix, proftpd.
[root at kolab root]#

This is a RH 9 server.

Jeffrey Walls
IT Manager 
Brown Transmission and Bearing Co.

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