a few more questions

Bo Thorsen bo at sonofthor.dk
Wed Sep 8 08:58:47 CEST 2004

On Tuesday 07 September 2004 17:58, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> > 4. how do I get the server answer to more than a single domain? how
> > do I do that with a separate namespace of addresses (virtual domains)
> > thזt map to the main domain if needed?
> Completely separated virtual domain aka multidomain are not supported
> with the upcoming Kolab2, because it is difficult to handle this within
> the ldap.
> Currently you can edit the postfix template and use the postfix trick
> for rewriting addresses or accepting from other domains.
> It might be possible that someone extends Kolab2 Server for this
> purpose.

That's not enough, I already tried that (I have several mail domains). 
Cyrus rejects the mail. So to make this work, you need to hack the 
postfix mydomains variable, and do something that I so far did not figure 
out for cyrus.

But as I already told Matt (I think), it would be worthwhile to have 
support for this in Kolab, and not a really difficult thing to do. At 
least not if it's easy enough to hack cyrus to accept it.

I would really love if it would just work that bo at domain1 and bo at domain2 
would be delivered to the same user. It's a PITA to do this by hand for a 
lot of users by using the email aliases.

Would it be an idea to have a webpage with kolab hacks? If someone can 
tell me how to hack cyrus for this, I will definitely write a page with 

I can also write a page describing how to add virtual domains to apache on 
it. It's not hard, but it might be a nice addition.



     Bo Thorsen                 |   Praestevejen 4
     Senior Software Engineer   |   5290 Marslev
     Klarälvdalens Datakonsult  |   Denmark
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