Kolab-2 rejected messages

Morten Christensen mckalender at tiscali.dk
Sun Sep 5 20:57:39 CEST 2004

Matt Douhan wrote:

>On Sunday 05 September 2004 20.23, Morten Christensen wrote:
>>As mentioned on the devel-list, I cannot find the way to get postfix to
>>use click's on the services-web-admin-page.
>what do you mean by this? are you saying that enabling the checkbox has no 
>effect ?

I cannot get it to work on my setup. Debian Sarge with Kolab2 040817 and 
changes to 040901.

When I enter the serveces-page, it has check in Accept Internet Mail, 
but if I change my firewall-portforward to point port 25 to this box, 
the postfix-log says

NOQUEUE: reject : RCPT from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx[]: 554 
<aaa at bbb.cc>: Sender address rejected: Invalid sender: from 
=<aaa at bbb.cc> to= <me at me.me> proto=ESMTP helo=>xxx.xxx.xxx.xx>

I have got it to accept local mail by writing directly into 
/kolab/etc/postfix/main.cf. If I had understood the system right, then 
that entry were wiped out again by  Kolab's macros, but it stays there.

Morten Christensen

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