Authentication failure

Rolinger, Tanja rolinger at
Thu Oct 21 11:23:16 CEST 2004

Hello everybody!

After one week hard working on it, I got the Kolab-Server
(kolab-20040503-2.1.0 on SuSE 9.0) running. I can access via WebInterface
with the manager-login and create users. I can also logon with the new user
via Webinterface and everything seems working.
But: I want to use Outlook2003 with Toltec-Connector. When I try to make a
connection via Outlook and Toltec I get the following message from the
Toltec-Connector (in german):
	IMAP4-Server gefunden
	STARTTLS erfolgreich
	FEHLER: Anmeldung des Benutzers mit PLAIN nicht möglich

According to that, the logs tell me:
imap[28616]: badlogin: localhost [::1] plaintext manager SASL(-13):
authentication failure: checkpass failed

Yes, I used the right passphrase ;-)

I´m knew to Kolab, Cyrus and all that stuff and I couldn´t find any solution
in the mailinglist and the forum.

Has someone an idea, what went wrong?

Greetings, Tanja Rolinger
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