apache misconfiguration for webdav

Martin Konold martin.konold at erfrakon.de
Sat Nov 6 23:04:49 CET 2004

Am Donnerstag, 4. November 2004 12:31 schrieb Luca Villani:

Hi Luca,

> directive (literally), I don't know if there is a template macro for server
> FDQN...

You mean @@@fqdnhostname@@@?

> I'm planning to install a third server for testing in a few days, I will
> try to provide a patch.

Ok, I am looking forward to it.

> BTW: kolab's apache seems to not use auth_ldap module for ldap
> authentication, can you tell me the name of the ldap authentication module?

We are using mod_auth_ldap.

-- martin

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