imap mailbox not created

steve geinitz geinitz at
Tue May 18 17:22:26 CEST 2004


  i'm having a problem with mailboxes not being
created for users.  whenever i add a user on the
web-based front end i don't see anything in 
/kolab/var/imapd/spool, which is where
/kolab/etc/imapd/imapd.conf says the mailboxes should
be.  if someone can just show what the format of their
mailboxes are i think i could just add it manually
with cyradm and that might work.  or if anyone knows a
different solution to this that would be great too.  
to display your mailboxes you use:

  /kolab/bin/cyradm -u manager yourdomainname
  then, when you see the new prompt list
  your mailboxes with the lam command:

  yourdomainname> lam *

thanks in advance,

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