Upgraded kolab, still not delivering to imap

Henning Holtschneider hh at loca.net
Tue Mar 30 18:47:37 CEST 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 30 March 2004 18:14, Bradley Alexander wrote:

> Bernhard Reiter <bernhard at intevation.de> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 30 March 2004 03:04, Bradley Alexander wrote:
> > > Mail comes in, and is processed by postfix. Assuming it is a valid
> > > user, it should be handed off to lmtp, which has a socket in
> > > /kolab/var/kolab/lmtp. At this point, this socket directs it to kolab's
> > > cyrus installation, which then makes it available for the imap user to
> > > log in and get the mail. Now, this works if the user _does_not_ have an
> > > account on the mailserver, correct? What happens if the user does have
> > > an account? Does postfix then automatically deliver it to /var/mail?

If you are using Kolab's Postfix and SWITCH OFF THE DISTRIBUTION'S MTA, 
messages will never be delivered to /var/mail. Apart from that, Kolab's 
standard scheme for UIDs is username at domain.tld, so this will never interfere 
with your local user accounts!

> > > Could this be my problem? Is there a way to disable email without
> > > disabling the account?
> >
> > You might want to check the postfix logs,
> > it should tell you where the emails goes.
> > Also the postfix documentation should give you an idea
> > where the email should go.
> Would it work to change the line in master.cf from

What master.cf are you talking about? /etc/postfix/master.cf or 

> local     unix  -       n       n       -       -       local
> to
> local     unix  -       n       n       -       -       lmtp

That won't work. Once again: turn off the MTA that comes with your Linux 
distribution. Then, follow the advice Bernhard gave (inspect logfiles) and 
don't try to mess with configuration files!


- --
   __                 _  __    __   Henning Holtschneider
  / /  ___  _______ _/ |/ /__ / /_  <henning at loca.net>
 / /__/ _ \/ __/ _ `/    / -_) __/
/____/\___/\__/\_,_/_/|_/\__/\__/  ...net happens!
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