authentication problems

Wijnand Wiersma wijnand at
Mon Mar 29 23:29:34 CEST 2004

Hi list,

Since I was having problems with a few accounts I decided te recreate

I moved /kolab/var/imap/spool/user/username to a username-orig directory
and I removed the users via the webinterface. 
When I recreated the user I used the same username/password combination.
I tried to login with my emailclient (evolution) but I got an
authentication error.

With /kolab/sbin/slapcat I see the user, looks alright. I don't know if
the password I see there is correct, it should be.

/kolab/var/sasl/log/saslauthd.log tells me:
Mar 28 23:32:11 <info> saslauthd[16494]:
do_auth         : auth failure: [user=wijnand at] [service=imap]
[] [mech=ldap]

I hope I provided enough info, this really makes me desperate. 
My 2 most important emailaccounts are locked out at this moment.


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