Kolab and Kontact on Mandrake 10

Fausto Zorzi - NetiX s.r.l. list_archive at netixitalia.it
Thu Jul 22 09:48:42 CEST 2004

Jean-Michel Dault wrote:

> Le mer 21/07/2004 à 12:35, Fausto Zorzi - NetiX s.r.l. a écrit :
> I'm now in charge of your Mandrake support tickets #82294 & 82417.
>>I have then disinstalled and reinstalled the whole Kolab server, with
>>all its dependencies, then ran again /usr/sbin/kolab_bootstrap -b.
>>The configuration is much clearer now, but when I start the kolab-server
>>service, after all the services give [OK], I receive this message:
>>Login failed: authentication failure at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor
>>_perl/5.8.3/i386-linux-thread-multi/Cyrus/IMAP/Admin.pm line 118
>>could not authenticate with Cyrus IMAP daemon () at /usr/sbin/kolab line
> It looks like your LDAP is pretty messed up... I suggest you:
> 1) remove kolab (rpm -e kolab-server)
> 2) remove remaining files in /etc/kolab (rm -rf /etc/kolab)
> 3) remove your ldap databases (rm -f /var/lib/ldap/*.ddb)
> 4) reboot your server to make sure all services are shutdown.
> 5) reinstall kolab (urpmi kolab-server)
> 6) run /usr/bin/kilab_boostrap -b as root via command line (don't use
> the wizard so we can have logs)
> 7) start kolab (service kolab-server start)

Thank you for the support.
I did what you suggested, but can't still authenticate with cyrus and 
the web interface can't still be accessed with manager/[manager 
password] (I also checked the bind_pw line in /etc/kolab/kolab.conf and 
it is exactly as it should be.

Following is the output of the instructions you gave; I changed the name 
of the host and of the domain with [hostname] and [domain], and the 
manager password with [password].

# /usr/sbin/kolab_bootstrap -b
Backuping config files in /etc/kolab/backup/20040722-093243
stopping kolab backend ...
Arresto proftpd:                                                [OK]


Please enter Hostname [hostname.domain.lan]:
proceeding with Hostname hostname.domain.lan
Please enter your Maildomain [domain.lan]:
proceeding with Maildomain domain.lan
Generating default configuration:
  base_dn : dc=hostname,dc=domain,dc=lan
  bind_dn : cn=manager,dc=hostname,dc=domain,dc=lan
Please choose a manager password [DyUIiUBWPgZQ.]:password
  bind_pw : password
done modifying /etc/kolab/kolab.conf

use login=manager and passwd=password when you log into the webinterface!

prepare LDAP database...
kill running slapd (if any)
temporarily start slapd
modifying existing kolab config object
failed to write entry: Already exists at /usr/sbin/kolab_bootstrap.real 
line 225
, <DATA> line 283.
failed to write entry: Already exists at /usr/sbin/kolab_bootstrap.real 
line 233
, <DATA> line 283.
failed to write entry: Already exists at /usr/sbin/kolab_bootstrap.real 
line 241
, <DATA> line 283.
failed to write entry: Already exists at /usr/sbin/kolab_bootstrap.real 
line 250
, <DATA> line 283.
failed to write entry: Already exists at /usr/sbin/kolab_bootstrap.real 
line 259
, <DATA> line 283.
failed to write entry: Already exists at /usr/sbin/kolab_bootstrap.real 
line 268
, <DATA> line 283.
failed to write entry: Already exists at /usr/sbin/kolab_bootstrap.real 
line 276
, <DATA> line 283.
LDAP setup finished

Create initial config files for postfix, apache, proftpd, cyrus imap, 
  running /usr/sbin/kolab -v -o -lldap://
creating new /etc/saslauthd.conf from /etc/kolab/saslauthd.conf.template
fixing perms of /etc/kolab/.tmp
creating new /etc/httpd/conf/k-legacy.conf from 
fixing perms of /etc/kolab/.tmp
creating new /etc/openldap/slapd.conf from /etc/kolab/slapd.conf.template
fixing perms of /etc/kolab/.tmp
creating new /etc/imapd.conf from /etc/kolab/imapd.conf.template
fixing perms of /etc/kolab/.tmp
creating new /etc/proftpd.conf from /etc/kolab/proftpd.conf.template
fixing perms of /etc/kolab/.tmp
creating new /var/www/html/kolab/admin/include/session_vars.php from 
fixing perms of /etc/kolab/.tmp
creating new /etc/httpd/conf.d/99_kolab.conf from 

fixing perms of /etc/kolab/.tmp
creating new /etc/postfix/main.cf from /etc/kolab/main.cf.template
fixing perms of /etc/kolab/.tmp
fixing perms of /etc/postfix/transport
creating new /etc/cyrus.conf from cyrus.conf.template
fixing perms of /etc/cyrus.conf
fixing perms of /etc/imapd.group
added group admin:*:60000:
added group maintainer:*:60001:

kill temporary slapd

generate self-signed certificate for hostname hostname.domain.lan... done
New certificate has been installed under /etc/kolab/
kolab should now be ready to run
please run 'service kolab-server start'

# service kolab-server start
Running /usr/bin/slapd_db_recover on /var/lib/ldap
Avvio slapd (ldap + ldaps):                                     [OK]
Avvio slurpd:                                                   [OK]
Avvio saslauthd                                                 [OK]
Creating hardlink from /var/lib/sasl2/mux to 
Avvio cyrus-imapd:                                              [OK]
Starting httpd-perl:                                            [OK]
Starting httpd2:                                                [OK]
Avvio di postfix:                                               [OK]
starting kolab backend (please wait)

# Login failed: authentication failure at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor
_perl/5.8.3/i386-linux-thread-multi/Cyrus/IMAP/Admin.pm line 118
could not authenticate with Cyrus IMAP daemon () at /usr/sbin/kolab line 

To notice is that at some point there are some rows with the following 

"failed to write entry: Already exists at /usr/sbin/kolab_bootstrap.real 
line xxx"

I tried to delete the /usr/sbin/kolab_bootstrap.real file, but the 
installation process complains and stops.

Thank you.

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