Emir Saric
emir.saric at infinis.net
Wed Dec 15 09:38:58 CET 2004
Hello all (Martin Konold),
on my Debian 3.0 System I install the kolab-server from this sites:
and I use the kolab_server 2 (20041201-full).
All packages on this site I have download and install.
I install first the openpkg.sh and then the other packages
with /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -i <packagename>.
All packages are installed and now I do the bootstrapping:
kolab-test:/etc/init.d# /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap -b
Check for running webserver on port 80
Check for running webserver on port 443
Check for running imap server on port 143
Check for running imap server on port 220
Check for running imap server on port 585
Check for running imap server on port 993
Check for running pop server on port 109
Check for running pop server on port 110
Check for running pop server on port 473
Check for running pop server on port 995
Check for running smtp server on port 25
Check for running smtp server on port 465
Check for running ftp server on port 21
Check for running Amavis Virus Scanner Interface on port 10024
Check for running Kolab daemon on port 9999
Check for running OpenLDAP server on port 636
Check for running OpenLDAP server on port 389
Check for running Sieve server on port 2000
Excellent all required Ports are available!
LDAP repository is empty - assuming fresh install
Please enter Hostname [kolab-test]: kolab-test
Proceeding with Hostname kolab-test
Do you want to set up (1) a master Kolab server or (2) a slave [1] (1/2): 1
Proceeding with master server setup
Please enter your Maildomain [kolab-test]: dtnet.de
proceeding with Maildomain dtnet.de
Generating default configuration:
base_dn : dc=dtnet,dc=de
bind_dn : cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=dtnet,dc=de
Please choose a manager password [************]:
OpenPKG: stop: openldap.
Creating RSA keypair for resource password encryption
/kolab/bin/openssl genrsa -out /kolab/etc/kolab/res_priv.pem 1024
Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
/kolab/bin/openssl rsa -in /kolab/etc/kolab/res_priv.pem -pubout
-out /kolab/etc/kolab/res_pub.pem
writing RSA key
chown kolab:kolab-n /kolab/etc/kolab/res_pub.pem /kolab/etc/kolab/res_priv.pem
Kolab can create an manage a certificate authority that can be
used to create SSL certificates for use within the Kolab environment.
You can choose to skip this section if you already have certificates
for the Kolab server.
Do you want to create CA and certificates [y] (y/n): y
Now we need to create a cerificate authority (CA) for Kolab and a server
certificate. You will be prompted for a passphrase for the CA.
/kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_ca.sh -newca kolab-test
Enter organization name [Kolab]: DT Netsolution GmbH
Enter organizational unit [Test-CA]: dtn
Using subject O=DT Netsolution GmbH,OU=dtn,CN=kolab-test
Using dn
CA certificate filename (or enter to create)
Making CA certificate ...
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to '/kolab/etc/kolab/ca/private/cakey.pem'
Enter PEM pass phrase:*************************
When I'm going on the webinterface of kolab
in /kolab/var/kolab/www/admin/index.php or other sites in this directory,then
I see nothing.Yesterday I have had some error because of the
session_vars.php.The references in the .php-files are not correct.I must turn
the files up.
How can I get to the Webinterface?And did I need to config some config-files
of the LDAP-Server to connect to him and to get an webinterface?
Thanks a lot.
Emir Saric
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